Thursday, May 1, 2008

Banana Splits

Eric remember the banana splits and all the trips to Baskin & Robbins?? I do! LOL. I also remember the time you, me and Sherry went Zayer's (like K-mart or Walmart), and you went walking through the store dragging your leg behind you, acting like the hunch back of Notre Dam or like you were mentally challanged or something, lol..... You was always doing stuff like that. LOL.

I remember going to St. Louis in 1980 on my senior high school trip, Rhonda Burnett came with me. You taught us how to play PEANUTS! I forgot how to play now, but it was soooooooooooooooooooo much fun then. If you remember how to play, you will have to send me the rules and instructions. I would love to teach it to my kids.

Then there was the hay ride, cook out, haunted trail on my dads farm in Tipton Co. - remember that? That is where the picts of you and Sherry with the gorilla mask came from. WE HAD A BLAST!!!!! It was so much fun, lol.

I can't wait to from others and their memories of you guys and the stunts you pulled with them. And I will write some more of mine later.

Love you Sherry and Eric!



Cindi Gipson said...

I have so many good memories of Eric and Sherry that it is hard to think of only a few to put down. They impacted my life more than I think they ever knew. Now that my daughter is a teenager I want every other Youth Pastor to be the same kind of youth pastor as Eric was. I just don't think they are out there!

A couple of memories I have are:

One year when coming back from C.A. Convention we had two church bus loads, one totally filled with kids, the other half kids/half luggage. It was in the end of December and it snowed. The church buses were notorious for breaking down anyway, so needless to say, one of them did. All of us had to pile on one bus to get home. Eric was driving the "good" bus and the windshield wipers stopped working. He hooked a wire hanger onto the wiper in front of the driver seat and put it through the side window. I can remember sitting in the seat directly behind him and when he would say "ok" put the hanger and clear the window. Between the breakdown and the snow this caused a significant delay. When we finally got back (you know Eric had to be completely exhausted and stressed) he was met by my Dad who went crazy on him because he was worried we were so late. This was in 1978, no cell phones then!! When you think back about what he was put through!

The other memory was when we went to the A/G camp ground at the Lake of the Ozarks (Eric was my youth pastor at SouthSide A/G). Us girls on the last night of camp decided we didn't want to go to bed. We stayed up having fun, even though we had been told numerous times to go to bed. Then one of the girls saw someone go by the window of the dorm and called out to them. It was the head counsler! We were escorted out onto the baseball field where we were instructed to stand with our hands straight out to the side of us. Eric got wind of this and felt it his obligation to stay up all night with us on the baseball field while we were being punished. With very few hours of sleep he has to drive us crazy teens home the next day on one of those wonderful church buses. He still loved us, even after that! He as so patient and kind. Looking back so much more than I ever realized. Recently I apologized for what we put him through. We loved him so much, yet made his life very difficult at times.

I love Eric and Sherry so very much. I knew that had impacted my life greatly, but until recently didn't realize all the lives they have impacted over the years. When reading Eric's blogs and seeing that there are people from all through the years that have kept up with them and told of how they touched their lives - it is amazing. He and Sherry have had a wonderful ministry and the people sitting under their ministry now are so blessed. Eric Olsen is a true man of God and a blessing to know.

There are so many more memories, I could go on for days! We all love you Eric and Sherry. Thanks for giving to the Lord! I am a life that was changed!!

Cindi Gipson

tforbeslpn said...


I too have searched for a Youth Pastor for my kids that was like Sherry and Eric and you are exactly right, there isn't any! He is ONE IN A MILLION, there are none like him anywhere!!!!!!!!! Every one we have had I have compared them to Eric, and they don't come up to him.

I too recently apoligized to him for all I put them through, and thanked him for the impression they made on my life. Had I not had them in my life when I was a young teen I wouldn't be the person that I am today. THANK GOD HE SENT THEM TO MEMPHIS when he did.

CA conventions!!!!!!!!!!!! so much fun! I miss those days and my kids don't even know what a CA convention is and that makes me sad.

I have more pictures of Eric and Sherry in St. Louis, I will find them and get them post, ASAP. If you have any, you may want to share if possible. I would love to see them.

Thanks for sharing your memories with us.

In Christ,

Cindi Gipson said...

Just wanted to say Hello to you. I am sitting unable to stop the tears right now over Pastor Eric. I know that we do not know one another (although I did think I bet we met in the past. If you can to SouthSide, that is where I grew up at) but we have common ground in Eric and Sherry. It is so hard to be able to face that Pastor Eric may have to leave. I know what Sherry says is absolutely true, that either way Eric is a winner. I know that even if he cannot be healed here on earth, he will receive the ultimate healing in Heaven. It just doesn't make it easy for the people left behind. My heart hurts everytime I think that he won't be here to be able to walk Kristen down the aisle. That his grandchildren will not ever know him. They will defintely know what a great man of God he is by all the lives he touched!

My heart is just so broken and I guess I needed to talk with someone else who feels the same way about Pastor Eric and Sherry as I do.

I will keep you in my prayers too!